module documentation

Provides Steam Guard functions

Function generate_confirmation_key Undocumented
Function generate_device_id Undocumented
Function generate_one_time_code Undocumented
Function load_steam_guard Load Steam Guard credentials from json (file or string).
def generate_confirmation_key(identity_secret: str, tag: str, timestamp: int = int(time())) -> bytes: (source)


def generate_device_id(steam_id: str) -> str: (source)


def generate_one_time_code(shared_secret: str, timestamp: int = None) -> str: (source)


def load_steam_guard(steam_guard: str) -> Dict[str, str]: (source)

Load Steam Guard credentials from json (file or string).

steam_guard (str): If this string is a path to a file, then its contents will be parsed as a json data.
Otherwise, the string will be parsed as a json data.
Dict[str, str]: Parsed json data as a dictionary of strings (both key and value).