package documentation

steampy is a library for Python, inspired by node-steam-tradeoffers, node-steam and other libraries for Node.js. It was designed as a simple lightweight library, combining features of many steam libraries from Node.js into a single python module. steampy is capable of logging into steam, fetching trade offers and handling them in simple manner, using steam user credentials and SteamGuard file, or by passing sessionID and webCookie cookies. 'steampy' is also capable of using proxies.

steampy is developed with Python 3 using type hints and many other features its supported for Windows, Linux and MacOs.

Module client Provides interactions with Steam
Module confirmation Provides Confirmation handler to deal with Steam request (mostly trade and sell)
Module exceptions Provides exceptions handled in Steam
Module guard Provides Steam Guard functions
Module login Provides Login in Steam functions
Module market Provides Steam Market functions
Module models Provides models to interact with Steam API
Module utils Provides utility functions